Tuesday 5 February 2013

For this homework we were to do a paintover of a 3D model of a gun turret or sci-fi weapon. I first started thinking of the massive weapon Bessie in the TV show Motorcity, and the Hyperion Sniper Rifles in Borderlands 2 along with the Halo 3 machine gun turret.

These designs gave me an idea for a small fortification or vehicle mounted turret. I wanted to keep the triangular barrel shape from the Halo turret, as it is very distinctive. But I wanted a bit of the bulk of Bessie. After a few minutes I came up with this design:
I then took it into 3DS Max and began modelling.

There was a bit of fiddling when I started to make the triangle barrel, finally settling on a hexagonal faced cylinder, and tweaking. Most of this was created through more trial and error, copy pasting and moving objects about. I also had trouble with the lighting, only rectifying it after around 3 hours of fustrating fiddling..

The 3D paintover was a bit more simple, I started with giving it a backdrop and shadow before using the skew tool to place these textures over with overlay layers.

I also added some wiring and used burn and dodge to make it a shinier and more metallic piece of equipment, ending up in the final paintover.
I think more of the design could have been a bit more functional really.. and a bit more skill in the texturing would have been nice!

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