Friday 29 April 2016

Mclaren 650s GT3

After the failed attempt that was the Ford GT, I began in earnest on another car. I wanted to make my current favourite looking car of all time, the Mclaren 650s GT3 race car.

The car is relatively new, and is a bit of a challenge due to the amount of curved bodywork and inlets it has across the car. Fortunately, there has been a good amount of press photos, and even other 3D Modelers creating their own models, so I had reference for how the car generally should look in wireframe.

Using these photos I began work on the car, starting with the front left wheel arch and working outwards from there, trying to make the bodywork flow smoothly around the car. It was a tough job as the design of the car is... interesting.

After I had created the basis for the front end of the car, using a mirror to make it symmetrical, I accidentally began fiddling far too much with the shape of the bonnet and the front wings. This drained a lot of time, and I really am annoyed at myself for it. As I went, I began building the car backwards. I set the rear wheel arches in preparation, and began connecting the pieces as I went. I was learning how to really build a car as I went, as it had been the first time I had built one other than the aborted attempt with the Ford Gt. One part that was a struggle was the roof and tail section.

The car is sculpted in a very specific way, curving back on itself a bit over the wheels and down a dip towards the engine bay.
After I had finished the rear section top, I went back to create the flat underfloor and get the front end finished.

Next were more complex parts, the Wing and the rear diffuser, two parts I was dreading making. They did turn out ok though, although some more detail on the diffuser could be used.

With that done, I moved to get the final ducting on the side and began smoothing the model. 

In all I am pretty happy with how this came out, even with the stress it caused being a first time. I annoyingly did miss some parts I only am now realising, such as the ducts over the wheels and some fins. The model could also be smoother, probably doing with a run through mudbox or Zbrush. Im pretty happy though, although I know what I need to improve for next time.

Ford GTE Model

Well this was... interesting to say the least. unfortunately this was a failed attempt at building the new Ford GT GTE race car.
I had gone through a lot of footage of testing and press photos to gather as many references as I could, however I feel like I bit off far more than I could chew with the model, as I planned to create interiors and parts of the chassis underneath. 

I originally started creating the model through box modelling, and was going well for creating the main body shape and form.

I decided to create a set of wheels first as a baseline to work around, and use reference photos to the best of my ability to create the car as accurately as possible. Because of the way the car has been aerodynamically designed to work like a Prototype Class race car, I began creating it in two parts, one for the teardrop centre body with cockpit, and a second for the floor leading up to the rear end. 
And this is where it faltered. Not only were the two parts going to be utterly horrible to stitch together once done, I had made a fundamental flaw. I had began by box modelling the car, so when it came to topology and trying to create the wheel arches, it just would not work. I would have to completely restarts. Definitely learnt a lot here.

Spidermech Doodle

Another sketch of a racing mech, based upon Alex Jaeger's Racing mechs. I love the design of the walkers, and tried to emulate it through a design of my own.

Mech charge

A concept piece I had thought about doing with the original idea for the game, but decided to do for proper as a concept piece for the Valkyrie mech and the enemy mech I had done previously. I decided to keep a more sketchy style to the art, as it is something I enjoy seeing, but I know I need to stop myself doing and move on to painting properly.

Sci-fi bike

Another idea I had was to revisit a design I did in college, of a single wheeled half-hover bike. I was always proud of the idea and thought it quite stand out compared to other sci-fi bikes, as I hadn't really seen something similar before.

I first decided to do an overhaul of the original design, making it more streamlined like more modern motorbikes are today, and also not covering the hub-less front wheel as much. I still had some doubts over the width and how it would work proper in 3D but I decided to cross that road when I got to it. 

The model for me was a challenge to build, as I tried to create it from a single piece, extruding and stretching out polys rather than creating it piece by piece. I did create new elements for the side vanes and the wheel, but for the main body I stupidly and stubbornly thought I could do a better job at creating the flowing surface of the main body from a single piece. That being said, even through those mistakes The bike has turned out rather nice. There could be a much better workflow for it however, and I wish I started it a different way. 

Mk7 Valkyrie

This design is one I have had in my back pocket for a long while, developing it over time to what it has become now.

The mech originally started as a sketch to create a military unit for a world building excercise I had been doing for a long while in my spare time, but I decided to take it further.

I was pretty happy with this initial design, after looking at inspiration from Pacific Rim, and other influences such as Gundam, Armoured Core and Battletech. I wanted to make it beefy enough to look like it could withstand a fight, but keep a sense of mobility, trying to differentiate itself from other designs. 

Over time I developed the design to be a lot more streamlined, cutting away unnecessary frills and plates. I also completely redesigned the head to make it more like a helmet than a sensor blister. 

When it came to making the final model, I began from torso outwards, with a symmetry modifier through the centre to make it mirrored. I found the torso and hips to be the most difficult parts to create, as working out how they would fit together and look in 3d space was a pain. I also decided to do away with the two swords being retractable into the forearms for the time being for time restraints. 

I am pretty happy with how it came out, although I would maybe go back and add more detail such as pistons, wiring and other high detail parts over the body, to help draw the eye around. I would also like to get this fully rigged and animated sometime, and see what I can do with it. Next time I might try to do each piece a bit more separate however, allowing me more freedom in getting the parts more detailed